Get to Know: Dress for Success Ambassadors

Article published at: Feb 28, 2022
Get to Know: Dress for Success Ambassadors
All Know Her Stories

The Dress for Success Ambassador Program is a diverse and inclusive skill development program that creates leadership opportunities for its participants. By sharing their stories during workshops and events, former clients become volunteers and representatives of Dress for Success Vancouver. It’s a way for community members to continue learning while giving back. Let’s meet some Dress for Success ambassadors!


A glass ceiling represents a barrier that women experience in the workplace and prohibits them from success. How have you shattered glass ceilings?

I work in a male-dominated field. It’s changing little by little. More women are working in logistics, but very few have moved into leadership positions. I do my best at work and encourage other women to do the same. We have to support each other. The Vice President of our company is a woman, and she is an inspiration to me.

In what ways has Dress for Success made an impact on your life and why did you choose to be an ambassador?

Dress for Success always welcomes and supports women with respect no matter where they are in life. It’s been four years now since I went for my first fitting appointment. Since then, I have had many other opportunities through Dress for Success: I received valuable networking opportunities with the Professional Women’s Group, I’ve attended professional workshops and been given immeasurable support. This organization gave me an opportunity to truly connect with other professional women, listen to their life stories, and also share mine. I’m a proud Dress for Success Vancouver Ambassador and I want to give back to this community.

“Confidence is believing that you’re able to do whatever you want. It’s the knowledge that you have the tools, the ability and power, and the infinite capacity to learn.”

What does confidence mean to you?

Confidence is believing that you’re able to do whatever you want. It’s the knowledge that you have the tools, the ability and power, and the infinite capacity to learn. But it’s easy to forget those things. That’s why being surrounded by trusting people who encourage and remind you of what you can do is so priceless.


A glass ceiling represents a barrier that women experience in the workplace/in their careers. How have you shattered glass ceilings?

I shattered the glass ceiling by speaking out and expressing what I needed. I remember situations in the past where I tried to follow my goal while ignoring these barriers, but that approach required so much extra effort.

“I shattered the glass ceiling by speaking out and expressing what I needed.”

In what ways has Dress for Success made an impact on your life and why did you choose to be an ambassador?

I feel more energetic and powerful in so many different situations. The Professional Women’s Group taught me that when I encounter a problem, the first thing I should do is draw up a plan and then take action. I chose to be an ambassador to keep in touch with the amazing people I’ve met through Dress For Success, and to create more networking opportunities.

Who or what inspires you everyday to step outside of your comfort zone

Both my manager and mentor at Dress for Success are sources of inspiration. I’m inspired by people who are excited to communicate and learn new things.


A glass ceiling represents a barrier that women experience in the workplace and prohibits them from success. How have you shattered glass ceilings?

I have done this several times in my journey both as a student and during my career. I became the first female Secretary General of my student union in a highly competitive election. Despite my colleagues thinking it would be impossible, I received a commonwealth scholarship for my MSc while heavily pregnant with my daughter. In my career I was able to broker a peaceful resolution with local communities, government, and oil companies on issues surrounding oil exploitation. I developed the first-ever multi-stakeholder mechanism, an act that most of my colleagues had given up on.

“It’s helpful for women, especially immigrant women and women from minority groups, to hear stories like mine as they continue on their journeys.”

In what ways has Dress for Success made an impact on your life and why did you choose to be an ambassador?

The knowledge I gained from their workshops and the amazing network of women I’ve met through this organization have been invaluable. That’s why I contribute to the growth of Dress for Success. It’s helpful for women, especially immigrant women and women from minority groups, to hear stories like mine as they continue on their journeys.

Why is giving back so important to you?

It allows me to build relationships with people in my local community and learn about different backgrounds, cultures, and experiences. And, most importantly, it helps my mental health. I feel happy knowing I’m giving back to society.


A glass ceiling represents a barrier that women experience in the workplace and prohibits them from success. How have you shattered glass ceilings?

I’ve been involved in many positions in my professional career where I've been asked to contribute ideas for women’s empowerment initiatives, but the lack of actual support at these organizations caused me to struggle to achieve my career goals. It wasn’t until I joined the Professional Women’s Group—after partaking in the mentorship program and curated workshops—that I achieved a longstanding career goal. The Professional Women’s Group mentorship program empowered me to take action and shatter my career barriers. It rebuilt my persistence and tenacity—critical traits that helped me overcome barriers and pivot into a better-fitting job that aligned with my personal values.

“The impact has been profoundly positive and nudged me towards wanting to be an Ambassador as a way to give back to the community and help other women shatter the barriers in their lives.”

In what ways has Dress for Success made an impact on your life and why did you choose to be an ambassador?

Dress For Success has not only introduced me to a network of women that support and nurture me, it has also equipped me with practical life lessons that transformed my personal and professional life. The impact has been profoundly positive and nudged me towards wanting to be an Ambassador as a way to give back to the community and help other women shatter the barriers in their lives. I’m excited to begin the next chapter with Dress For Success as an ambassador, and to impart my newfound knowledge and confidence to help others succeed on their Dress For Success journeys.

What motivates you to be a changemaker?

The need and desire to make a difference drives me to be a changemaker. I believe a small change can go a long way, and that’s what motivates me to get involved and participate in my community as a changemaker.


H&B at Dress for Success Vancouver, participating in Ambassador Suiting Programs, Winter 2022

Writing: Carter Selinger

Photography: Moves Media