The Look: Holly Horvath

Article published at: Feb 16, 2021
The Look: Holly Horvath
All Know Her Stories

No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher’s stylish looks? We beg to differ! This week on The Look, we’re featuring Holly Horvath. (You might know her as @teachme_style on Instagram.) We chatted with Holly about style, teaching, jewellery tips, influencing, and her passion for helping solve food insecurity in Regina. Holly’s pursuits often intertwine and influence one another in a way that makes it easy to see why she's so influential as a teacher, lifestyle blogger, and passionate member of her community. Now get your pencils and notepads ready because school is back in session with Holly Horvath!

"When I am well educated on a particular subject and I get to speak about that it makes me feel empowered. I love feeling smart. I think knowledge is so classic, sexy, and never goes out of style."

H&B: As a lifestyle blogger a lot of people look to you for influence and inspiration, who do you look to for inspiration?

Like most people, I find inspiration from a variety of places: my friends and coworkers, people I follow on Instagram, magazines, etc. In fact, the other day I was at the grocery store and saw an outfit I loved so I went home and put it together on a hanger for the next day!!

What’s the hardest but most rewarding thing about lifestyle blogging?

I would have to say the hardest thing is balancing full time teaching, blogging, and all the other things that life brings... relationships, family, friends, the dog, the gym, groceries... haha you get it! The most rewarding part hands down is the relationships I have built through the platform. I have been able to connect with people all over the world I would not have ever met — it's pretty special! 

What’s the hardest but most rewarding thing about teaching?

This is a hard question there are so many highs and lows when it comes to teaching ESPECIALLY now. Like anything, there are more challenges with teaching now than ever but it also makes those 'aha' moments even better. Challenges include masks, social distancing, and essentially learning a new style of teaching to keep everyone including myself safe. The reward has not changed, for me teaching has always been about relationships with my students. 

Has lifestyle blogging helped you as a teacher in any unexpected ways? Or has teaching helped influence your blogging?

It actually has. It has allowed me to connect with so many other teachers! Connecting with other teachers means sharing resources and ideas — I am a big believer in collaboration over competition. I am ALL about sharing ideas and resources. 

Do you talk to your students about your life outside teaching? If so, what do they think of it?

I don't — they will sometimes bring up my Instagram saying that their parents follow me but I just have the same response, "Oh, that's nice." 

How do you want people to feel when they look at your Instagram or blog?

It is important to me that people feel like I am relatable. I never want to portray that my life is perfect. I hope to inspire people but in a relatable way, if that makes sense. 

Why is style still important during a pandemic?

I think style is a reflection of yourself and it's important not to lose that. It's easy to get into a slump but if you're going to, make sure it's a cute slump! 

Are there any social causes you’re passionate about? 

Lately my eyes have been opened to the food insecurity in our city. I have been trying my best to donate what I can and help spread the word about the Regina Community Fridge.

Can you share a hot jewellery tip with us? 

Hmmmm, I would say that mixing metals is okay! So many people ask me if it's ok to do and I say yes!!

What makes you feel empowered?

Knowledge. When I am well educated on a particular subject and I get to speak about that it makes me feel empowered. I love feeling smart. I think knowledge is so classic, sexy, and never goes out of style.

Click here to see how Holly's styling our first-ever patterned Sparkle, Leopard.